Freedom Cells Anti-Spam Federation on Telegram Paid Members Public
How to protect your Telegram group from spammers collaborate with a larger federation!

Reprogram Your Destiny Paid Members Public
In an alternate reality, a robotic civilization is interconnected to one network. Every work assignment, transaction, and inch of the city is surveilled by The Network. Can one robot change everything? Will a new network form?

Reject Web Tracking with uBlock Origin & uMatrix Paid Members Public
In our first #TBOT Bytes video, we'll make your web browsing experience faster & safer, all within 5 minutes. Read the accompanying article to get an in-depth tutorial.

XMPP: A Comeback Story Pt. II - Making Anonymous Phone Calls & Texts With JMP.Chat Paid Members Public
Bridge yourself to phone networks using an anonymous phone number and your XMPP client

Above Phone: The Best of Both Worlds on a Privacy Phone Paid Members Public
A technical demo of a privacy phone solution that'll satsify your needs while protecting your privacy.

XMPP, A Comeback Story: A 20 Year Old Messaging Protocol For Robust, Private and Decentralized Communications Paid Members Public
Everyone loves a comeback story. Can a 20 year old overlooked technology make a comeback as a completely decentralized, free, and scalable technology for the growing masses of people who value freedom and privacy?

Open & Decentralized Radio Communications with Beechat Network Paid Members Public
Surveillance and control can grow quickly out of hand should it be used to enforce unjust laws. Thus, if we value our freedom and privacy we must look to open decentralized solutions such as Beechat Network.

Who Can We Call On? How Our Phones Are Tracked By Big Tech, Telecom, and Government Paid Members Public
Watch The Video Document Dump: Here are all the primary sources used in this for this article, feel free to perform your own analysis and share with us. Password: takebackourtech Download From Disroot Buy The Above Phone ORIGINAL ARTICLE Introduction Our mobile phones are the single most important communication device